Excellence & Professionalism

Protection Of The Public

Compassion & kindness

Respect For Life

Our History
The Liberian Board for Nursing & Midwifery (LBNM) was established in 1949 under the Nurse Practice Act of 1948. In 1952, the Board began licensing practicing nurses and midwives who were admitted to the Board as auxiliary members. In 1958 the Liberian Council of Midwives was established to assist with the implementation of the Board’s functions. The functions included
The Council was merged into the Liberian Board for Nursing & Midwifery in 1975

Board History
The Liberian Board for Nursing & Midwifery (LBNM) was established in 1949 under the Nurse Practice Act of 1948. In 1952, the Board began licensing practicing nurses and midwives who were admitted to the Board as auxiliary members. In 1958 the Liberian Council of Midwives was established to assist with the implementation of the Board’s functions.
The functions included:-

The Council was merged into the Liberian Board for Nursing & Midwifery in 1975
Vision mission & Values

Whereas, the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery has determined it imperative that Chapters 63 and 66 of the Title 33 of the Liberian Code of laws Revised be amended to make the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery an autonomous agency with exclusive power and authority to regulate and monitor nursing and midwifery practice in the Republic of Liberia.
Now therefore.
It is enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia Legislature assembled:
Board Act
“An Act to Amend Chapters 65 and 66 of Title 33 of the Public Health Law of the Liberian Code of Laws Revised and to Grant Autonomy to the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery in the Republic of Liberia”

Table of Contents
65.1: Title & 65.2: Short Title
65.3 Definitions
65.4 Effect of Amendment
65.5 Application of the Act
65.6 Scope of Nursing Practice
65.7 Nursing and Midwifery Board
66.2 Definitions of Practice of Midwifery
66.3 Scope of Practice of Midwifery
Core Values
The following are the core values held by the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery:
Protection of the public
Safety of nurses and midwives
Respect for life
Excellence in nursing and midwifery education
Excellence in provision of service
Nobility (called to serve humanity)