Liberian Board of Nursing & Midwifery


License Renewal

The professional nurse license under the provision of the Board shall be renewed, and the term of the license shall be every two year. Applicants for renewal shall apply for and complete the renewal application form and forward same to the Board along with the renewal fee slip from the bank which shall be specified by the Board during the renewal period. The Board shall verify the accuracy of the application and if in order, shall issue a renewal receipt for a license period of two years. 

It shall be unlawful for any person to practice professional nursing, midwifery or practical nursing in Liberia during the time his or her license has lapsed and such person shall be subject to penalties subscribed by the Board.

Below is the procedure for license renewal at the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery:

The person coming for renewal is asked to present his or her old license for verification.

The office filing clerk will send the client to the various banks to pay the fees and bring one white background passport size photo if he/she wants to replace the old photo.

The renewed license will be given to the client(s) within 72 hours.

The old license will be perforated and returned to the client.

The filing clerk will review the license using the cardex card and then bill the person according to how much he or she owes.

The client will return with the bank slip to LBNM and will be given the Board's receipt for the amount paid.

The client will go to the database to update his/her renewal status.

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